The Wanaka ECO e-Bike Tour
Join us for the Wanaka guided e-bike tour to discover how residents are working to protect and sustain this beautiful environment for years to come.
To learn a little more about this fantastic and gentle e-bike ride read on.
Meet the locals
We start our tour with a lakeside visit to meet our resident longfin eels.
We learn about their treacherous journey to the Pacific Ocean and how we help them get there.
Our world famous tree
We visit the most famous tree in Wanaka, take a photo and discover how it arrived here 80 years ago!
Wanaka’s first biodynamic winery
We continue around the lake and learn about a family whose commitment to grow grapes ‘that’ do not harm the natural environment ended up creating an internationally award winning wine.
Pristine urban stream
We visit a rare spring-fed creek of exceptional and learn about the community who have ensured its protection for future generations.
Kiwi harvest
We visit the community hub and find out how locals
collect unwanted food from local businesses and
deliver it to people in need
Meet the worlds famous Puteketeke
We visit the nesting site of the crested Grebe and discover how one man saved them from extinction with the help of students and local NGOs.
Details and how to book the Wanaka ECO E-bike tour
Cost: $195nzd which includes an E-bike rental for the 3-hour guided tour
Start: First Saturday in October and every subsequent Saturday. Bookings are essential.
Min Numbers: 2 persons are required. You will be waitlisted until minimum numbers are achieved. Tour is limited to 8 riders, the minimum age is 12 years old.
Schedule: Operating from October to May on most Saturdays and Sundays from 09:30am to 12:30pm and 1pm to 4pm. We meet outside the Wanaka iSite 103 Ardmore St
As part of your booking fee, you will be making a $5 donation to Te Kakano Aotearoa Trust – Wanaka community-based native nursery that specialises in propagating local plants